Outpatient Appointment
If you have a doctor referral letter and even if you arevisiting our hospital for the first time, you can make an appointment.
If you do not have a referral letter, please comedirectly to the initial visit/follow-up visit counter in theCentral Hall General Reception.
Next Appointment / Appointment Change Counter
Appointments, Changes, and Cancellations of Outpatient Treatment
Reception Area
Central Hall General Reception
Reception Time
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding non-examinationdays)
Appointment Center (for appointments by phone)
Appointment for persons with a referral letter. Appointments changes/cancellations.
Contact Details
Telephone 0568-57-0048
Reception time
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Excluding non-consultationdays)
We kindly ask for your cooperation in trying to callus during the hours below as much as possible.
- Appointment for outpatient treatment (from 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 p.m.)
A referral letter to our hospital isrequired. Please have your referral letter and our hospital patientregistration card on hand when you call.
- Change/confirm reservation date and time (from noon to3:00 p.m.)
Confirmation from the attending physician may berequired so it may take some time to confirm any changes.
What to prepare when making a reservation
- Hospital Patient Registration Card (if you have one)
- Referral Letter
Contents to be confirmed at the time of reservation
- Hospital Patient Registration Card (if you have one)
- Full name
- Sex
- Date of Birth
- Phone Number
- The name of the referring medical institution
- The name of the medical department to be reserved(the name of the medical department instructed by thereferral medical institution), etc.
- Appointments cannot be made for the same day.
- Re-examination appointments and examinationappointments and changes will be obtained after a doctor has examined thepatient.
- Depending on the appointment status, we may not beable to accommodate your desired date and time.
- Our appointment center receives manycalls every day. We are increasing the number of lines and increasing thenumber of operators, but there may be times when the phone lines are busy, and it isdifficult to connect. We ask for your understanding and cooperation, such ascalling back at a different time.
Reception desk for obtaining, changing, or cancelingrehabilitation appointments
Reception desk
Department of Rehabilitation
Telephone 0568-57-0057
Reception time
8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (excluding non-examinationdays)