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Persons visiting our hospital for the first time
If you visit our hospital for the first timewithout a letter of referral, you will be charged 7,700 yen for medicaltreatment and 5,500 yen for dental treatment as a separate fee on top of themedical fee.
The fee for treatment by patients’ choice for the initial examination is a system which was instituted by the government in which patients who do not have a referral letter from their family doctor are responsible for the burden. This is aimed to coordinate the allocation of functions and activities among medical institutions to “receive the initial examination at local clinics and receive advanced / specialized medical care at hospitals (with 200 or more beds).” Based on this system, we have set a fee for treatment by patients’ choice, in order to provide an efficient medical care provision system as an acute hospital, and further encourage each patient to use a “family doctor.”
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays, Year-endand New Year holidays(December 29-January 3).
Weekdays (Monday to Friday) 8:30am ~11:30am
Initial and Follow-up General Reception Counter
Health insurance card
And if you have one, hospital patient registration card, beneficiary card, Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application, medication notebook, etc.
Your insurance card will be checked on the firstday of each month. If a valid insurance card cannot be confirmed, you may becharged for the appointment.
If there is any change in your insurance card details, please notify the insurance card confirmationcounter in the general reception area as soon as possible.
Please fill out the medical application form andpresent your hospital patient registration card (if you have one), and health insurance card,etc.
After receiving the application form, you will be givena medical questionnaire,etc., which you are requested to fill out.
The reception slip will be given to you in a clearplastic file folder.
Please present the reception slip and medical questionnaireat the counter of the department listed on the slip.
We will confirm your name and date of birth whenyou enter an examination room or laboratory. We do this to preventmisidentification of patients, so we ask for your cooperation.
After the examination, you will be given a basicschedule, which you should put in a clear plastic file folder together withthe reception slip.
If you need a prescription for medication, thedoctor will give you the prescription after the examination.
Please submit the reception slip and receive youraccounting number.
Please note that after 5:00 p.m., the accountingprocedure will be at the Emergency Center.
You can also receive your accounting number at theaccounting counter.
When your accounting number appears on the monitor,please pay the medical fee at the automated teller machine or payment counter.
Please submit your prescription to a health insurance pharmacy outside thehospital to receive your medication.
By faxing your prescription to your preferred healthinsurance pharmacy, you can reduce the waiting time at thepharmacy.